Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Critique of Chinua Achebe’s “An Image of Africa” Essay

â€Å"Certainly Conrad appears to go to considerable pains to set up layers of insulation between himself and the moral universe of his history. He has, for example, a narrator behind a narrator. The primary narrator is Marlow but his account is given to us through the filter of a second, shadowy person. But if Conrad’s intention is to draw a cordon sanitaire between himself and the moral and psychological malaise of his narrator his care seems to me totally wasted because he neglects to hint however subtly or tentatively at an alternative frame of reference by which we may judge the actions and opinions of his characters.† Although Achebe recognizes Conrad’s use of multiple narrators, he dismisses any intention on Conrad’s part of utilizing the narrators to introduce psychological depth in Heart of Darkness. I believe, however, that Conrad’s full objective was to establish a moral and existential tone in his novella; he accomplished this by incorpo rating a second narrator. Conrad introduces the narrator and his surrounding characters as they navigate the Thames River. As the narrator describes Marlow and the other Seamen the reader begins to question where Marlow stands in this social hierarchy. Conrad thus establishes a tone of uncertainty in the credibility and morality of both Marlow and the narrator. The entire novella is a retelling of Marlow’s tales in Africa, years after they had occurred, which leaves the extent of Marlow’s exaggeration and embellishment of his story up for question. 2. Disagree â€Å"Joseph Conrad was a thoroughgoing racist. That this simple truth is glossed over in criticisms of his work is due to the fact that white racism against Africa is such a normal way of thinking that its manifestations go completely unremarked† Achebe is not reading Conrad’s work on a symbolic level rather he superficially judges parts of the novella as racist. The novella Heart of Darkness is not a racial slur, nor is it an insulting depiction of the people of Africa in any way. It is an examination of the false pretenses the Europeans held over their assumed benevolent work in Africa. The purpose of Marlow’s story was to show the adverse effects of imperialism on white European tradesmen. Conrad is thus in no way a racist, as he set out to depict the malice of Europeans during this time period. He uses his experiences in the Congo during King Leopold of Belgium’s tyranny to show the malevolence greed instills in mankind. 3. Disagree â€Å"Africa as a metaphysical battlefield devoid of all recognizable humanity, into which the wandering European enters at his peril. . . . . Can nobody see the preposterous and perverse arrogance in thus reducing Africa to the role of props for the break-up of one petty European mind? But that is not even the point. The real question is the dehumanization of Africa and Africans which this age-long attitude has fostered and continues to foster in the world. And the question is whether a novel which celebrates this dehumanization, which depersonalizes a portion of the human race, can be called a great work of art.† Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a great work of art; is it a symbolic delineation of Western covetousness and the effects materialism has on mankind. Africa is not meant to be â€Å"devoid of all recognizable humanity.† Africa is a setting which could be moved anywhere white Europeans use phony moral objectives to carry out their greed. The novella is not specific to Africa but, is a representation of the degradation of man when he works on fake moral grounds. It is for that very reason that Conrad begins his novella with Marlow’s recount of man’s historical occupations -including Roman and British sieges- and the darkness that follows all acts of greed. 4. Disagree Unfortunately his heart of darkness plagues us still. Which is why an offensive and deplorable book can be described by a serious scholar as â€Å"among the half dozen greatest short novels in the English language.† Although Achebe’s defensive view is reasonable as he is of African descent and feels affronted by the opinion he believes Conrad holds, he misses the overall meaning of the novella. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is not a plague, nor should it be regretted. This novella gave insight into the shameful acts committed by Europeans in search of fame and fortune. Heart of Darkness is not a slander on the African people; it is the exposure of European cruelty and man’s madness derived from greed and feeling empowered over another. 5. Disagree â€Å"I am talking about a book which parades in the most vulgar fashion prejudices and insults from which a section of mankind has suffered untold agonies and atrocities in the past and continues to do so in many ways and many places today. I am talking about a story in which the very humanity of black people is called in question.† Humanity is questioned in Heart of Darkness but, Achebe fails to realize Conrad’s intention. Achebe focuses primarily on the depiction of the Africans in this novella and disregards the contempt Conrad holds for the imperialists. Conrad’s objective was to unmask the â€Å"prejudices and insults from which a section of mankind has suffered untold agonies and atrocities† but, not in the â€Å"vulgar fashion† Achebe describes. The humanity of Europeans is instead called in question. Conrad had witnessed firsthand how the Europeans pillaged and devastated African communities and used his experiences to illustrate the obscen ity of imperialism. 6. Disagree â€Å"As a sensible man I will not accept just any traveler’s tales solely on the grounds that I have not made the journey myself. I will not trust the evidence even off man’s very eyes when I suspect them to be as jaundiced as Conrad’s. And we also happen to know that Conrad was, in the words of his biographer, Bernard C. Meyer, â€Å"notoriously inaccurate in the rendering of his own history.† In fiction it is often the author’s idiosyncratic perspective that makes a story intriguing. Factual recounting does not arrive in a fictional book. Whether Conrad’s portrayal of imperialism in Africa was entirely accurate or an embellished version of his own existential struggles, Heart of Darkness was a landmark piece for his time period. The atrocities committed during European imperialism were not a subject of conversation but, Conrad helped to bring the issues to the surface. Conrad did not aim to offend the people of Africa; he intended to expo se the Europeans of their veiled immorality.

Friday, August 30, 2019

General George McClellan’s Leadership Essay

General George McClellan was the Union Army’s first commander in the early part of the American Civil War. Because of how the Union army was faring under his leadership, McClellan was regarded as an ineffective general, if not a failure. As a result of how he commanded the Union army and prosecuted the war, he was replaced by President Abraham Lincoln until he found a much more abler leader in General Ulysses S. Grant who carried the Union to total victory which led to the eventual surrender of the Confederacy and the end of the civil war in 1865. This study intends to look if General McClellan has been fairly â€Å"judged† by historians and if his incompetence was valid. In his book, George B. McClellan and Civil War History, Thomas Rowland attempts to give an impartial view of McClellan. Based on other accounts he has read from other historians who discussed McClellan, history has not been so kind to the hapless general. McClellan had served as one of the benchmarks on how modern-day American generals would take action such as the case of General Norman Schwarzkopf during Operation Desert Shield/Storm and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell in response to the troubles in the former Yugoslavia. The reason why McClellan was brought up in comparing him with these two modern-day counterparts was both nearly made the same mistakes he did in being indecisive or vacillating in taking the proper course of action when they were facing a similar situation as he did (Rowland, 1998, p. 10). McClellan had a superior army at his disposal compared to the ragtag forces of the Confederacy, yet his issues led them to be mismanaged and what could have been victories for the Union in the early battles ended up in defeat. Another inference Rowland made was that one of the reasons why McClellan was probably not effective was he had psychological problems that would explain why he was not an effective commander and it was rather unfortunate for him since his counterpart on the opposing side was General Robert E. Lee who was undoubtedly one of the best generals the Confederacy had among its ranks. One historian pointed out that McClellan: â€Å"Alternating between fits of ‘arrogant confidence and wretched self-abasement,’ the adult McClellan revealed an indulgent insolence displayed by those who are ‘congenially incapable’ of acknowledging authority because it would â€Å"make them feel inferior (cited in Rowland, 1998). ‘† If one were to base McClellan’s leadership on this case, it would appear that McClellan’s psychological issues was the root cause for his incomptence. Rowland would go on and enumerate other flaws McClellan had as told by other historians. McClellan had tendencies of being vain, unstable, undisciplined, dishonest and had a messianic complex. Besides being incompetent, he was even said to have problems with authority, particularly with President Lincoln who was his commander-in-chief. Some even went to the extent of comparing McClellan to Napoleon not in terms of brilliance but in terms of vanity and ego, a trait both commanders appear to possess and this dated way back in his childhood and somehow carried over throught his life from his cadet days at West Point to his various military postings as he rose through the ranks(17-18). Besides these issues, he also exhibited a tendency to be cautious in terms of the tactics and strategies he employed which proved to be ineffective when faced with a highly competent enemy commander in Lee who had a very distinguished military career as well as having combat experience from the Mexican War that made him an even more capable commander besides other subordinate generals such as Thomas â€Å"Stonewall† Jackson, J. E. B. Stuart and James Longstreet, to name a few. Because of his apparent incompetence and despite having a seemingly superior army at his disposal, he squandered the chance to give the Union an early victory and made it easy for the Confederates to win, thus prolonging the war to four years. In one book, Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam, written by James McPherson, McClellan is depicted more kindly. Where other historians depicted McClellan as having issues with authority since his cadet days at West Point, McPherson saw him differently. McClellan graduated second in his class at the academy in 1846 and served with distinction in the Mexican War and was one of the few foreign military officers who were observers in the Crimean War. During his hiatus in civilian life, he was a manager in a railroad company where he was considered an exceptional manager (12-13). Clearly, one can see there appears to be some sort of discrepancy in the way McPherson depicts McClellan compared to Rowland and others. Contrary to depicting McClellan as a problematic commander vis-a-vis his subordinates, McPherson depicted him as someone who was charismatic and a capable motivator of his troops. In a letter to his wife, McClellan said that â€Å"I never heard such yelling†¦ I can see every eye glisten. † (cited in McPherson, 2002) It can be inferred here that McClellan was hardly the man who had a psychological problem, the sort that would not allow him to assume command of the Army of the Potomac when the Civil War broke out. But later, McPherson would take a different turn when McClellan assumed command and this was following the defeat of the Union army in the Battle of Bull Run. Whereas writers like Rowland found McClellan to have psychological issues, McPherson depicted McClellan as a brilliant officer facing what was probably the most challenging commnand of his life and it was the kind of challenge that he could not meet and this eventually resulted in his eventual relief as the war went on. McClellan, as McPherson saw it, was a perfectionist almost to the point though it may not be in the same line of thinking as Rowland and others that he had a case of obsessive compulsive behavior. â€Å"He was a perfectionist in a profession where nothing could ever be perfect. His army was perpetually almost ready to move, but could not do so until the last horse was shoed and the last soldier fully equipped. † (cited in McPherson 2002) Despite his different approach with other historians, there are some aspects where McPherson agrees with them – that McClellan was too cautious and tended to be on the defensive most of the time. This was manifested partly by his obsessive-compulsive behavior and his tendency to overestimate the strength and capabilities of the Confederate forces on the account they were led by more capable commanders such as Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, etc. This led him to have disagreements with hiws subordinate commanders, leading to their defeats. Because of his attitude, some speculated that McClellan might have sympathies towards the Confederacy owing to his ties with Democrats (13-15). But in fairness to McClellan, he was not always a loser. He did indeed score a victory for the Union and that was at Antietam in 1862. Despite this victory, it was a very costly one as the Union army suffered heavy casualties in this battle. Beyond that, McClellan’s command of the Union army was dismal and he was eventually relieved and replaced by a more capable commander in Grant. What made Grant different from McClellan, and this is what all civil war historians agree upon, especially Rowland and McPherson, was that Grant was the opposite of McClellan in the sense that Grant was a risk-taker like his Confederate counterpart Lee. What made Grant willing to take risks was that he was not afraid to fail. Because it was part of learning and his initial defeats made him wiser in subsequent battles and this was proven time and again. Grant did suffer some defeats when he took command but despite these setbacks, he was not relieved. He learned from his mistakes and redeemed himself in other encounters and this mattered the most and he eventually led the Union to victory and presided over Lee’s surrender at Appomatox Courthouse in 1865. In conclusion, history has not been so kind to George McClellan. Had he been decisive and willing to take risks, the war could have been over the moment it started and history could have judged him differently. But it turned out that his personality was his undoing and this cost him not only his career but the conduct of the war which had to run for four years. If it is any confort for McClellan, his apparent incompetence (for lack of a better term) proved to be a blessing in disguise for future American military leaders. He would often be referred to or invoked whenever his modern-day counterparts were about to make the same mistakes he did and whenever they would think about him, they would completely do a complete turn around and rectify it, thereby winning their wars and avoid being placed in the same spot as McClellan on being one of the (unfortunately) worst American military leaders in history. In a rather crude sense of irony, McClellan’s mistakes provided lessons for his future counterparts to learn and improve on and it was rather fortunate for McClellan that he have lost battles but his replacements did win the war but unfortunately for him, he could not partake of that victory because he was not involved in it. References Rowland, T. (1998). George B. McClellan and Civil War History. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. McPherson, J. (2002). Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam. New York: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Renewable Energy Essay

Green power, renewable energy, solar power, wind power, electric/hybrids. What is this? What can I do? Many may not know these terms, what they actually consist of, and how we can all do our part and help. What can any ordinary person do in our everyday lives to help care for Mother Earth? Renewable energy sources; solar, wind, and power these small changes can ensure a cleaner, safer and longer sustaining environment for our children’s grandchildren. Can renewables really be the way of the future? Some do agree that yes, it can. Solar power for instance, due to the fact that energy from the sun is clean, free, abundant, and infinitely renewable. It does not emit fumes, not dangerous to produce, and definitely does not need to be extracted at the expense of human, financial and environmental cost from below the surface of the ground. In the article, State Solar Plans Are As Big As All Outdoors states, â€Å"The expectation is that renewables will transform California’s electricity system,† says Terri O’Brien, who helps vet sites for new facilities for the California Energy Commission. The way to have solar power is provided through solar panels they can be placed on rooftops or buildings, on the sides or just on stand in an open area. When looking at Solar Thermal facilities to power cities with energy, like the one owned by Palo Alto based Ausra Inc, this is where the unsightly comes into play, rows of gigantic mirrors covering an area as big as 2 football fields. This poses a question of, â€Å"How can these solar panels work when the sun doesn’t shine?† No power can be generated and there’s no way to store. â€Å"Climate change is the greatest challenge that mankind has ever faced,† said Peter Darbee, President and Chief executive of PG & E and head of its paren t S.F. PG&E Corp. â€Å"It’s imperative to seek out the most cost effective solutions.† Cost effective possibly but at the price of wasted land. A second renewable source; wind power. A small town in Denmark known as, â€Å"renewable energy island.† It is the first of it is the first of its kind. Showing the world its positive prospects on one end, yet natures devastation on the other. We have all seen those big turbines way up in the hills, as a child I often wondered what they were but I remember thinking how big they were and just watching them spin in the wind. Wind power seems as genuine and legit as solar power, having as many advantages as disadvantages. Both are clean renewable energy sources, again neither are extracted from the earth, raw materials are free but neither solar nor wind power can generate enough electricity the way fossil fuels or nuclear power can. Just as the sun does not always shine for the panels, the wind will not always blow for the turbines. Unless you are from Samso AKA â€Å"renewable energy island† where in fact the wind off the Kattegat blows continuously. The town of Samso is more like a big family. It took the entire island in cooperation to achieve their status. Taking into consideration the pros and cons of wind powered turbines, where the ability to generate power to all the homes outweighed the environmental impact of the killing of birds and bats due to the turbines spinning. Mr Hermansen of Denmark’s, â€Å"renewable energy island,† stated that, â€Å"one reason to live here can be social relations,† he said, â€Å"This renewable energy project could be a new kind of social relation, and we used that.† They show that anyone can have wind power one does not need to be special, well educated, or rich to accomplish renewable energy, one just has to have the drive to make a difference. Lastly, electric vehicles, sounds interesting and fun as it rolls off your tongue. EV’s or not to be; once again it seems to be the question. The notion of EV’s has been brought back to the table, yet again. In 1976, Congress approved funding for â€Å"electric and hybrid† research. That same year Forbes reported that, â€Å"the electric cars rebirth is as sure as the need to end our dependence on imported oil.† EV’s have been around for some time now though personally never gave them a second thought, that is until I read the article The Great Electric Car Experiment by Daniel Yergin. Yergin discusses the need for EV’s to not only reduce pollution and to offset the carbon emissions. EV’s have come a long way since its first debut between 1996 & 1999 to today’s Nissan LEAF (Leading, Enviromentally friendly,  Affordable, Family car) batteries are smaller, cars are more compact, more miles to battery ratio, eye appealing, and co st friendly. Honestly I myself had been thinking of purchasing a Hybrid, rather than a EV due to same concerns many other folks have. Is it really affordable or too good to be true? How many miles can I drive before recharging? Where do I recharge? Will it just die and leave me stranded? All these questions are slowly being answered, but these questions and concerns will way heavy on whether how quickly EV’s will be accepted and learned as â€Å"the way to go.† By 2020 there will be more EV’s/Hybrids on the road. â€Å"An automobile revolution is coming, but it’s traveling in the slow lane.† I found Green Power to have many interesting articles. It was very eye opening. It has made me think about how I and family use energy. Turning out the light upon exiting a room, using energy efficient bulbs, buying energy star appliances – all of which we have done. My perspectives did indeed change a bit since reading more on renewable sources. If I could afford to I would install solar panels on my home yet I do not fully support solar farms or wind turbines, I definitely would not put a turbine near my home. I love nature too much and could not stand to see birds dying by flying into the turbines. Bottom line is we all need to do our part in helping save our earth. If I must sacrifice and by an EV, pay more in taxes, by better appliances and/or update my home. I would do so. I currently try to make little by little changes since every little bit counts for a better tomorrow. I’m happy to say that I’m pulling my own weight. Works Sited Kolbert, Elizabeth. â€Å"The Island In The Wind.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 514-520. Dickerson, Marla . â€Å"State Solar Plans Are as Big as All Outdoors.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 505-508. Yergin, Daniel. â€Å"The Great Electric Car Experiment.† Article in Behrens, Laurence and Rosen, Leonard J. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 12th Ed., Brief. New York: Longman, 2013. 525-534. View as multi-pages

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What is social Justice How is social justice related to language Assignment

What is social Justice How is social justice related to language rights What do you think about language rights and deaf students - Assignment Example A just and equal world order is perhaps best seen as consisting of people with proper political regimes who fully respect basic human rights. Human rights are expansive, and language rights are part of them. Social justice is all about fairness and equality; language rights protect individuals to choose their preferred language in communication in the public and private spheres. For marginal groups, the opportunity to use ones language is of crucial importance because it protects their collective identity and participation in public life (Tyler, Boeckmann, Smith & Huo, 1997, P.11). Laws may restrict people who do not speak the national language from running for office – political posts, hence challenging international obligations that require free elections. During state discussions, the minority groups may suffer if the government insists discussions be carried out in the national language. Foreign language is what is often used to teach the children of the minority. Consequently, the children grow to forget their language and their culture in addition. Higher rates of school drop-outs and unemployment rates also follow the children. In the colonial days, the white people wanted to teach the black people children their language but the chiefs realized that it was only robbing their children of their language and culture (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2008, P.3). Deaf students are a minority group in our societies, and they have linguistic rights. They have a special form of communication in the form of sign language and the laws in place must cater for them. Deaf children attend special schools and are taught various skills during the period. In the event of completion, they should be seamlessly assimilated in the society (Muhlke, 2000, P.23). They have the right to speech, freedom of opinion and expression, right to vote and run for an office, and the protection against

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

You have to Give a reasons for transfering and the objectives you to Essay

You have to Give a reasons for transfering and the objectives you to achieve in the university - Essay Example Due to the testimonies of friends, relatives and acquaintances, I have chosen the Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business which was specifically referred and advised for reasons ranging from offering selected courses, being academically reputable, using multidimensional approaches in teaching, providing a conducive learning environment, and ensuring that one who graduates would get immediate employment. Aside from these reasons, one considers proximity to one’s residence as a plus factor for the choice. This way, one would not need to be away from the support of parents and thereby, do not need to entail additional costs for lodging and other instrumental expenses related to studying in a university that is miles away from home. Another crucial factor for transferring to Georgetown University is that the course modules for the International Business degree program and requirements that address personal and professional goals. I am interested to delve into the areas of global financial markets, international trade, and intercultural communications, to name a few. These courses would prepare one in meeting the challenges of global organizations where one plans to apply in the future. In this regard, Georgetown University likewise determines one’s credentials and qualifications to determine if they would cater to one’s distinct needs and requirements. Georgetown University has sets of requirements for admitting students’ applications. Aside from having completed the pre-requisites for theoretical and academic backgrounds, Georgetown considers evaluating the past academic performance, level of knowledge, abilities and skills in communication. By effectively completing personal statements or essays, the McDonough School of Business would be able to gauge one’s writing and communication skills. Through passing entrance examinations and completing the required submission

Batting Biofilms Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Batting Biofilms - Assignment Example If genes which are responsible for the formation of these adhering protein molecules are deleted the bacteria are unable to form biofilms. However, it is now proved that bacteria form biofilms after communicating with each other through signal molecules, for e.g. in P. aeruginosa the relevant signaling molecules are acylated homoserine lactones which each cell produces at a low level, when enough cells assemble the concentration of these compounds increases which in turn trigger the activation of certain genes, the mechanism is known as quorum sensing, which is critical for the formation of biofilms. Since biofilms formed by P. aeruginosa is responsible for causing cystic fibrosis pneumonia, i.e. they turn virulent (disease causing). algC gene is responsible to synthesize alginate, the gelatinous polymer that makes extracellular matrix. Thus, signaling molecules to control the genes that code for virulence. During stage 1 when the bacterial cells move or swim freely and arrange themselves in cluster in order to form a biofilm; Attack strategy is employed that coats the molecules and block or disrupt microbial arrangement or attachment. During stage 2- when the collected cells begin producing a gooey matrix; Attack strategy is employed which coat the surfaces with substances that interfere with the matrix production so that film is not formed. During stage 4- when chemical gradient arise and promote the coexistence of diverse species and metabolic states; Attack strategy is employed which delivers multiple antibiotics or disinfectants to undermine the varied survival strategies of biofilm cells. Microbiologists took a very long time to size up the microbes in the biofilm. Since the establishment of germ theory, in the late 19th century by Robert Koch, bacteria were envisioned as single cells that float or swim through some kind of watery

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Management of DL Limited Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Strategic Management of DL Limited - Assignment Example The researcher states that the term ‘strategy’ is defined as the plan or the action of the organisations designed to achieve the vission of an organisation. It is performed with the help of all available organisational resources at efficient and effective manner so as to attain the objectives of the organisation. Strategies are developed or planned in order to enhance the strength of an organisation thereby reducing the potencies of the competiting firms. Thus, strategies might be of varied types such as corporate, businessunit and operational approaches among others. Strategy facilitates in augmentation of the sustianability and corporate image of an organisation in the long run among other competitors. Therefore, proper examination, selection and execution of a strategy are basic constitents of strategic management. Strategic management is odten referred as a term that deals with projected and evolving initiatives taken to augment the performance of ï ¬ rms in the ma rkets. It involves identification of the organisation's mission, vision and goals, policies and plans, intended to accomplish the future objectives thereby utilising the avalilable resources in an efficient manner. Strategic management is a continuous procedure of developement of strategies and policies that facilitates to compete with the existing rivals in the market thereby ensuring the market share and the brand distinctiveness among others in the market. ... This is a report highlighting the preparation of a strategic plan for ‘DL Limited’, thereby utilising varied ideas and knoweledges of strategic management so as to make the plan more proficient and effective. Discussion Strategic management refers a collection of decisions and operations which is accepted so as to improve the performance of an organisation.. The strategies are formulated after taking a descriptive knowledge and understanding about the environmental conditions of the market. This can be attained after conducting a SWOT analysis so as to acquire a detailed idea about the strengths and weaknesses thereby maximising the opportunities and minimising the threaths. Thus, strategic management includes planning for both present and future prospects of an organisation. Strategic management includes strategic analysis, planning and implementation so as to enhance the profitability and the marketshare among others. This can be possible only through proper decision m aking process and proper analysis of the market along with the rival competitors’ approaches and product lines so as to ensure positive future prospects for the organisation (Wells, n.d.). In this era of globalisation and industrialisation, it is essential to implement strategic planning process in order to enhance the business and its market identity among other competiting brands. Strategic planning is referred to as an organisation's procedure of defining its policies, or trends necessary for decision making so as to utilise its resources to attain the future strategies. In order to determine the future courses of an organisation, it is essential to realise the existing position and financial condition which would facilitate the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Web & Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Web & Social Media - Essay Example lemented through the proper identification of keywords, checking keywords, re-checking keywords and customising keywords as per requirements (WordStream, Inc., 2009). The on-site SEO technique of keyword research and analysis has been selected for ranking of my website owing to the reason that it provides the benefits of determining the behaviours of the people in accessing websites online and discovering more specific keyword queries rewarding better user satisfaction (SEOmoz, Inc., 2014). The on-site SEO technique of keyword research and analysis helped in ranking a website through the creation of a solid foundation based upon which, entire content creation ought to take place, which eventually results in high-ranking of search engines (SEOmoz, Inc., 2014). It can be affirmed that the business world has been changing in this modern day context with the introduction and the subsequent adoption of pioneering technological advancements. In this similar concern, relating to recent changes in the modern world, the on-site SEO technique, i.e. keyword research and analysis, possesses the ability to perform various significant activities. These activities comprise predicting variations in demand, responding towards transforming business market conditions and producing the contents, products and/or services that the web searchers are already aggressively seeking (SEOmoz, Inc., 2014). Apart from the above-elaborated keyword research and analysis SEO technique, another off-site SEO technique can be observed in terms of content writing and optimisation. Conceptually, this particular technique is regarded as a writing piece, which is mainly powered by certain specific keywords that facilitate the individuals to visit any particular webpage (Slideshare Inc., 2014). The implementation of content writing and optimisation as an off-site SEO technique evidently aids in ranking a website based upon its content presented to attract the visitors. In this regard, the particular

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysis of Articles Related to Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Articles Related to Finance - Essay Example The first article is about how Asian tourists are flocking Japan. Japan has become one of the top tourist destinations. The faltering tourism in the country has been revived yet again. This time, it is because of the rise in the standard of living in the countries of Asia. Japan’s technology is a major draw for tourists. Besides this, shopping in Japan is another feature. However, the article says that the number of travelers traveling from Japan is on a decline. In my opinion, Asia's rising economy is turning out to be a reality. This has enabled high purchasing power among the Asians. This, in turn, has facilitated a rise in tourist activities. Tourism is becoming the most sought after way to promote one's country and economy. The second article is about the serial bomb blasts that have rocked India, during the last couple of days. The first series of blasts shook the city of Bangalore, on July 25th. The very next day, as many as 16 blasts took place in the city of Ahmedabad. The blasts are said to be the handiwork of Indian Mujahideen. Investigations are on. The Government is taking up serious steps to identify the culprits. In my opinion, extremist forces must be discouraged. The Government must set up dedicated intelligence forces. They should be trained extremely well. Besides this, peace and brotherhood must be propagated. Tolerance and unity must be brought about. Ultimately, innocent lives must be protected. The third article is about the Rolling Stones. They have abandoned the EMI. The EMI is a British recording label. It has been their home for the last 30 years. This defection comes after the ownership of EMI was transferred a year ago. The new owners of the label, have been openly criticized.     

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Differences Between Romanticism and Neoclassicism Essay

The Differences Between Romanticism and Neoclassicism - Essay Example This essay stresses that Neoclassicism in the arts, as the name indicates, is inclined on reverting to Hellenistic art styles characterized by symmetry; calmness and stillness; importance of social and political concerns; discipline and control; conformity and rationality. This art movement was the result of the renewed interest and the sense of giving importance to classical art. These characteristics and the definition of Romanticism and Neoclassicism classify the major differences between the two art movements. These differences substantiate that these art movements are conflicting during the time these two art styles emerged in the art scene. Neoclassicism imposes restraint and conformity while Romanticism breaks free from the constraints of tradition and promoted freedom in conveying personal views and emotions. Moreover, Neoclassicism was rearing towards the society and its concerns such as politics while Romanticism favors idiosyncrasy. According to the discussion the differences of Romanticism and Neoclassicism is evident in the works of Romantic painter Eugene Delacroix and Neoclassical painter Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres particularly their portrait of violinist Niccolo Paganini. Ingres’ depiction of Paganini shows the violinist in a very formal and stiff pose, which is very much opposite to Delacroix’s portrayal of the violinist showing Paganini while playing the violin. The striking contrasts between Ingres’ Paganini and Delacroix’s version clearly differentiates the two art styles and best represents the artworks of the two art movements. These opposing two art movements resulted from the events during that period and compelled by some prominent figures in the society and discoveries in well-known places at that time. Influences manifest in the works of artists belonging to Romanticism and Neoclassicism.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Phones a Blessing or a Curse Essay Example for Free

Phones a Blessing or a Curse Essay Technology plays a significant role in our daily lives; technology has without a doubt, made our lives very easy for us. Technology, along with its unlimited advantages also has a lot of disadvantages. Technology is a gift to ourselves so that we can live our lives more comfortably but many people tend to abuse this gift for their own pleasure or personal gain. Cell Phone is one such device that has made our life so easy that we cannot even think of a world without it. This electronic device has multiple uses and functions. It has become an important part and parcel of our life. Without cell phones we usually feel incomplete. Trendy and stylish cell phones have become a part of fashion now days. It has now become a multi-utility device, and not just remain a communication device. see more:essay on mobile phone advantages and disadvantages wikipedia Uses of cell phones: †¢ Mobile phones are the most convenient and fastest means of communication. You can call anyone from anywhere and anytime. †¢ It is a great source of entertainment also. We can play games, listen to music, talk to your friends, send messages, and so on when we get bored. †¢ It can be used for capturing and storing important information. †¢ It can function as a radio. We can listen to music while driving and traveling. †¢ Mobiles can replace watches to check the time and alarm clocks that wakes us up. †¢ Our voice can also be recorded in our mobiles. †¢ It can be used as a torch when the light goes. †¢ Mobiles with cameras are used to take photos and making videos. We can also freeze our memorable moments. †¢ Mobiles also have calendars to check days and dates. †¢ We can download our favorite songs, wallpapers, ring tones, and movies in our mobile. †¢ If we lost the way, we can use our mobile and call for help. †¢ Use mobile phones in place of paper and pen. This saves paper, which in turn saves trees. †¢ Mobile phones having the facility of calculator help to do mental calculations.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Benefits of computing gross profit on sales in contrast to contribution margin Essay Example for Free

Benefits of computing gross profit on sales in contrast to contribution margin Essay The computation of gross profit on sales, which can be derived under the absorption costing approach, is a profitability measure normally conducted under financial analysis.   This accounting ratio outlines the gross profit generated from every $100 of sales.   Such measure is highly useful in financial analysis, because it provides indications on the profitability potential and cost efficiency of the company.  Ã‚   For instance, if there was an increase in sales of 10%, but the gross profit margin declined by 4%. This indicates that the cost efficiency of the organization deteriorated during the period.    Such analysis cannot be conducted under the contribution margin approach, because gross profit is not present.   However, under the contribution margin approach one can calculate the contribution to sales ratio which indicates the contribution determined from every $100 of sales.   This would also provide indications on the control of variable costs once compared over time. Difference in Net Income arising from different approaches. In the example of ABC Company the profit under the two methods is the same.   However, this is not always the case.   Profits under the two methods differ whenever there is movement in inventory.   This is due to the fact that since under the absorption costing technique fixed manufacturing costs are included in the cost of goods sold, a proportion of fixed costs will be included in inventory leading to such a difference. Contribution margin approach not allowable for external reporting. The contribution margin approach, despite being highly useful to provide valuable information for decision making, is not acceptable for external reporting.   This is due to the fact that it does not comply with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). For example, under the GAAP the income statement layout should clearly outline the gross profit made by the company.   Under the contribution margin method this is not highlighted.   Another important reason why the absorption approach is allowable for external reporting and not the contribution approach is due to the way in which the income statement is classified. The GAAP state that the income statement is classified by function, like under the absorption method.   In the contribution approach it is classified by cost behavior.   Indeed separation between fixed and variable costs is made under such method. This conflicts with another requirement of the GAAP. Reference: Drury C. (1996). Management and Cost Accounting. Fourth Edition. New York: International Thomson Business Press.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions

Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions Introduction: I am to speak ten minutes; I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.  ~ Woodrow Wilson Communication is a process of exchange data, information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Basically it is two way process of exchange that involves sender and receiver. Sender is a person who encodes and sends the information and which is then received by the receiver through different communication channels where the message is decodes, information is being processed and the proper reply can be send via the same communication channel. Effective communication plays very important role in any organization. The best thing to get the organizational goals or objectives, communication is the most important thing. However in some organization communication unfortunately is neglected and is the main issue for those companies who are not performing well. The employees who have poor communication skill in the organization have les chances of growth and development so it is very important and critical issues for the organizations now days. (Gopal, Namita G.: 2009) Types of Communication: Communication might be through diverse processes and methods and the different channel and style of communication. There can be different types of communication.   Types of Communication Based on Communication Channels on the basis of the channels used for communication, it can be divided into two Verbal communication Non-Verbal Communication In Verbal communication it includes written and oral communication while in non-verbal communication it includes body language like gesture, pasture, nodding etc., expressions and visuals diagrams or pictures. Verbal Communication It can be further divided into Oral communication. Written In the oral communication it includes the spoken words in the whole process. It can either be face-to-face or chatting with the people over the phone or over the Internet. Sometime in oral communication conversations might be influenced by the voice tone, pitch, level and even the speed and clearness of speaking. While in Written communication it can be either by post, letter, fax, or email. The effectiveness of written communication can be affected by the writing style, grammar and vocabulary used and clearness and accuracy of language.   Nonverbal Communication   While in non verbal communication the person who communicates, the overall body language of the person in which his postures, gestures and the movements of the whole body. However the facial expressions are very important in non verbal communication it will show the mood of the person who is speaking. While the gestures express the emotions like a handshake, a smile or a hug. It can also be in the form of pictures, signboards painting etc. Types of Communication Based on Style and Purpose There are two broad types of communication which is based on the style of , Formal Communication Informal communication Formal Communication   It is usually relates to a large or small group speaking. It is mostly strict and bound to rules. It always is in a formal or official format. Basically all sort of business or corporate communication comes in formal communication. Conferences, meetings and written memos and corporate letters in any official languages are used for communication. It can occur between two strangers when they meet first time to each other Formal communication can also occur between two strangers when they meet for the first time. Formal Communication should be formal, straightforward and precise. However instances of non verbal communication such as wearing of business attire in order to be more professional Informal Communication Informal communication is a type in which people talk to each other freely and usually it is related to interpersonal communication however it is bounded by rule made of society norms but the speaker can speak freely and there is more room to be free. The speaker can say anything which he/she thinks. Informal communication can be between friends, family and relatives or any person who have the similar wavelength as It does not have any rigid rules and guidelines. It does not restrict with the time limit, place and events or subjects. It is more emotional form of communication where the less emphasis on non verbal communication and more emphasis on real feelings. (Hamilton, C.:2007) Importance of Communication in an Organization: The most important and best function of management in any organization is communication. It is impossible to have relations to ach other without communication. However for good and successful business the effective communication is required. (Means L.Thomas:2009) Effective Communication has its importance in any organization due to the followings: For Manager ____ Relations with Employees: Information and decision is a main component of management- employee relations. What a manger wants from its employees it can not be done unless and until there is a strong communication between them. Mostly management problems arise if the communication level is weak between them. There are more chances of misunderstanding and misrepresentation can be reduced by effective and proper communication. Motivational and Morale of Employees: The best tool for the motivation of the employees is effective communication that can increase not only the morale but also the innovation and creativity. While the morale and performance of the employees can be low due to inappropriate communication. Productivity: Effective communication in any organization can maintain excellent human relations and by encouraging the employees the productivity can be increased. For Employees: In order to get the full utilization of human resource and work to be done on time from employees only be possible by effective communication. Organization who are having the speedy and effective communication policy and procedures can avoids to delays the work, confusion, and misunderstanding. Communication Networks: Basically it is a way that how people communicates to each other. As Griffin (2007) said it is a pattern by which the members of a group communicate. The employees make groups in the organization to pass information and decision. According to Gareth R,Jones and Jennifer R, These are the basic structures that tell us that how messages and communication and information flow between different employees, teams or the group of any organization. Types of Communication Networks: These are the following types of communication networks: Wheel Network: It is just like a group leader work n which one person passes information and messages and there is more than one person to receive it. Other members of the group might not communicate to each other to carry out well. Example: It is just a team work in any organization where the people work in a team but the. Messages are passes by group leader and employees receive the messages from that leader. Like if there are group of consultant they need to listen or report to regional mentor only. Usually it does not exist in team work. Y Network: In this form of communication the information flows between two people at one point only but after that it can be splits up to two people .However in other way it is less centralised as compared to the wheel network. The central member acts as a gatekeeper to pass information and allows only certain information to pass to other members. (Segrin: 2005). Example: Like in any organization the Managing director acts as a source of information and will pass it to his assistant director and from this point the information flows to the manger of the particular department. Chain Network: In this form the information flows between so many departments or people. It is the simplest form of the network as compare to others. It is just like a chain of information between different departments. Communication can be done by the members in a pre planned sequence. Example: The best example is assembly line group in which employees only communicate with only those who work precedes. Circle Network: In this type the employees can communicate to each other and can share their beliefs, experiences expertise, location etc. Example: The people who are socially informal can be the part of circle network and can share their personal information as well. All Channel Network: It is usually found in teams. It might be high levels of intense communication. Every members of the team can communicate to the member of the team. Example: IT related programmes are the best example for this effective communication in team. Star Network: No restriction is placed on any member of the group to communicate to each other. (V.Lewis:1987) They can communicate freely and convey their messages to each other without any restrictions. Example: In the Board meeting where every member is free to flow information and get some good result. (Gareth R.Jones, Jennifer M. George: 2000) Vertical Vs Horizontal Communication: Communication in the organizational structure can be upward, downward or the horizontal within the hierarchy. In any organization Vertical communication is a communication where the information flows from different level of authority within the organization where as the horizontal communication in which information flows between the same level of authority or with the similar power or grade. Vertical Communication: This is a type of communication where the information flows or communication occurs between hierarchically positioned persons and it can involve both downward and upward flows. According to Larkin and Larkin (1994) that downward communication is more effective than the upward communication as the top managers passes the information or communicates directly to the immediate supervisors and then they communicate directly to their staff or sub ordinates. As employees has trust and have great desires to communicate to the supervisors if supervisor is perceived to have more powers and authorities. These are the following advantages and disadvantages of the vertical communication; Advantages of Vertical Communication: Develop a strong relationship between the super and sub ordinates Develop confident and trust between vertical hierarchy Motivation level increase Way of getting the feedback. Disadvantages of Vertical Communication: Threat of leakage of secret Information transferred by the super-ordinate to its sub-ordinate Time consuming and cost spending Coordination issues. Horizontal Communication: Horizontal communication usually takes place among the employees of the same authority or level or department or division in the organization. Advantages of Horizontal Communication: Secret information is not a problem Time saving and faster communication increase the productivity Any new idea can be brought up and this will automatically increase the innovation and development Resolve the issues so quickly level of confidence raise Disadvantages of Horizontal Communication: The Chances of conflict and miscommunication may rise. It can be worthless at times. (Sharon A. Cermak, Dawne Larkin:2002) Conclusion: The main recipe of the success in any organization is the good communication skill in the organization. All type of communication is very important and must be effective in the organization. The level of communication with different people varies from organization to organization. The people must have the adaptability to grasp that level of communication in order to get the objectives and aims of the organization. The organization must have effective communication system in order for the accomplishment of the objectives. Because in this modern era of technologies every organization needs innovation and creativity and the effective communication between the organizations can bring these changes so quickly.

A River Runs Through Us Essay -- Essays Papers

A River Runs Through Us 1. â€Å"The Anacostia River is a metaphor for the way poor people and minorities are treated† (Hoover). In 1994, the Anacostia River was fourth on the list of American Rivers' â€Å"Most Endangered Rivers† (Rynor). Since the late 19 th century the water quality in this river has slowly declined with the onset of urbanization and industrialization and the pollution that accompanies this growth. The Anacostia is severely polluted with â€Å"sediment, nutrients, pathogens, toxins, and trash† (â€Å"Cleaning†). And it is no coincidence that the river runs through some of Washington D.C.'s poorest communities in the south-eastern sections of the city. 2. Environmental injustice has been an ongoing battle that continues to plague many lower class, high minority communities. Environmental injustices occur when â€Å"low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of the nation's pollution problems† (Bullard 15). Three of every five African Americans live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites (Bullard â€Å"Toxic†). In a 1991 report Greenpeace explained that, â€Å"being poor in America means breathing foul air, working filthy jobs, and living next to toxic waste landfills and incinerators† (Novotny 13). 3. In Washington, D.C. much of the pollution plaguing the Anacostia River is caused by trash, raw sewage and runoff from the city streets in the river's drainage area, or watershed. When the District's sewage system exceeds capacity due to heavy rains, the runoff is dumped into the Anacostia River (â€Å"Cleaning†). Between 75 and 90 percent of the pollution is caused by runoff from areas of Washington, D.C. with heavy pavement, roads, and parking lots, which produce runof... ...universe/document>. Loeb, Vernon. â€Å"Currents of Change.† The Washington Post 01 Dec 1996: B01. LexisNexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb 2003 < >. Novotny, Patrick. Where We Live, Work and Play . Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2000. Raynor, Joyce. â€Å"Bill Norton Would Fund Grass-Roots River Cleanups.† The Washington Post 3 Mar. 1994: J3. Lexis-Nexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb. 2003. Ruffins, Paul. â€Å"Talking Trash.† Washington City Paper 26 Jan. 2001. 25 Feb. 2003. . Spencer, Duncan. â€Å"Caucus Rallies for Anacostia.† The Washington Post 8 Jan 2003: Pg.23. LexisNexis. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 30 March 2003 . A River Runs Through Us Essay -- Essays Papers A River Runs Through Us 1. â€Å"The Anacostia River is a metaphor for the way poor people and minorities are treated† (Hoover). In 1994, the Anacostia River was fourth on the list of American Rivers' â€Å"Most Endangered Rivers† (Rynor). Since the late 19 th century the water quality in this river has slowly declined with the onset of urbanization and industrialization and the pollution that accompanies this growth. The Anacostia is severely polluted with â€Å"sediment, nutrients, pathogens, toxins, and trash† (â€Å"Cleaning†). And it is no coincidence that the river runs through some of Washington D.C.'s poorest communities in the south-eastern sections of the city. 2. Environmental injustice has been an ongoing battle that continues to plague many lower class, high minority communities. Environmental injustices occur when â€Å"low-income communities and communities of color bear a disproportionate burden of the nation's pollution problems† (Bullard 15). Three of every five African Americans live in communities with abandoned toxic waste sites (Bullard â€Å"Toxic†). In a 1991 report Greenpeace explained that, â€Å"being poor in America means breathing foul air, working filthy jobs, and living next to toxic waste landfills and incinerators† (Novotny 13). 3. In Washington, D.C. much of the pollution plaguing the Anacostia River is caused by trash, raw sewage and runoff from the city streets in the river's drainage area, or watershed. When the District's sewage system exceeds capacity due to heavy rains, the runoff is dumped into the Anacostia River (â€Å"Cleaning†). Between 75 and 90 percent of the pollution is caused by runoff from areas of Washington, D.C. with heavy pavement, roads, and parking lots, which produce runof... ...universe/document>. Loeb, Vernon. â€Å"Currents of Change.† The Washington Post 01 Dec 1996: B01. LexisNexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb 2003 < >. Novotny, Patrick. Where We Live, Work and Play . Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2000. Raynor, Joyce. â€Å"Bill Norton Would Fund Grass-Roots River Cleanups.† The Washington Post 3 Mar. 1994: J3. Lexis-Nexis. Aladin. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 25 Feb. 2003. Ruffins, Paul. â€Å"Talking Trash.† Washington City Paper 26 Jan. 2001. 25 Feb. 2003. . Spencer, Duncan. â€Å"Caucus Rallies for Anacostia.† The Washington Post 8 Jan 2003: Pg.23. LexisNexis. Gelman Library, Washington, D.C. 30 March 2003 .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Going to Sell Your Websites? - What are they Really Worth? :: Sell Websites Buy Websites

Going to Sell Your Websites? - What are they Really Worth? Reprinted with permission of There may be no topic more controversial or misunderstood as the website valuation, also known as a website appraisal. Although they're especially useful for website owners contemplating the sale of their websites, valuations are seldom commissioned by sellers at all--since most are convinced that nobody knows their website’s value better than they do. And while valuations can also have an enormous impact on strategic planning, they're typically overlooked there, too. Most website owners choose to pay for a formal valuation only when they absolutely must--usually when a financing or other kind of transaction requires one. Pricey though they may be, website valuations can and should be used at key stages in any website's development. The thing to keep in mind is that when you own a private website, no one can look up its value in a newspaper. So when circumstances require that kind of information about a private website, its owner must hire someone to perform a study of its value that is logical and defensible. The determination of a website’s value will be based on an analysis of all kinds of information, such as historical profits, other financial records, the customer base, security controls, competitive details, and much more. The results can be well worth the costs. Just consider the financial risks entrepreneurs run, for example, if they give a website to their children as part of a long-term estate-planning strategy--only to have the IRS step in years later and challenge the claimed taxable value of the gifts. The IRS will always start out from the premise that your website is worth the highest possible number. Unless you've got a good, defensible valuation to back up your claim of a lower value, you can face real difficulties. Don't expect the IRS to accept a defense based only on the so-called valuation rules of thumb, the industry guidelines that sometimes appear in textbooks or websites. Rules of thumb are nothing more than the roughest of starting points.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Profound Ideas of Honore de Balzacs Pere Goriot Essay -- Balzac P

The Profound Ideas of Honore de Balzac's Pere Goriot Honore de Balzac published Pere Goriot in 1834 (1), one of the outstanding novels in his panoramic study of Parisian life, the Human Comedy. Throughout Pere Goriot, Balzac's narrator oscillates between the roles of social historian and moralist. Although the presence of both observer and commentator may initially seem mutually exclusive, it also is a large part of what makes this novel interesting and entertaining. Balzac's readers, as flesh-and-blood humans, do not segregate perception and judgment routinely in their everyday lives. By packaging profound ideas in a way similar to natural human expectation, Balzac's narrator achieves an especially comfortable and effective rapport with readers. One of the central threads of Pere Goriot is the story of Eugene de Rastignac's rise from provincial obscurity to success in Paris. Along the way he learns much about Parisian society and human nature. In the following passage from Pere Goriot, Rastignac pursues success through fashionable dress: Eugene had begun to realize the influence a tailor can exercise over a young man's life. He is either a mortal enemy or a friend, and alas, there is no middle term between the two extremes. Eugene's tailor was one who understood the paternal aspect of his trade and regarded himself as a hyphen between a young man's past and future. The grateful Eugene was eventually to make the man's fortune by one of those remarks at which he was in later years to excel: "I know two pairs of his trousers that have each made matches worth twenty thousand francs a year." Fifteen hundred and fifty francs, and all the clothes he cared to have! At this point the poor southerner felt all doubts van... ...ank and the English mathematician Charles Babbage developed the "analytical engine", precursor to the modern computer. 2 This quote from Henry Reed's 1962 translation, pages 99-100. (Honore de Balzac. Pere Goriot. New York: Penguin Books, 1981) 3 The emphasis is mine. 4 Daedalus was a great inventor in Greek mythology who escaped from prison with his son, Icarus, by flying away on wings of feathers and wax. Not heeding the advice of his practical father, Icarus dared to fly close to the glorious sun. The wax wings melted, and Icarus plunged to his death in the sea below. 5 A corollary is that no one who hasn't been to the "provinces" knows a thing about human life, for a person who lives only in the city will also have a skewed perception. Work Cited Honore de Balzac. Pere Goriot. Translated by Henry Reed. New York: Penguin Books, 1981.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Thirty-two

Arya The one-eared black tom arched his back and hissed at her. Arya padded down the alley, balanced lightly on the balls of her bare feet, listening to the flutter of her heart, breathing slow deep breaths. Quiet as a shadow, she told herself, light as a feather. The tomcat watched her come, his eyes wary. Catching cats was hard. Her hands were covered with half-healed scratches, and both knees were scabbed over where she had scraped them raw in tumbles. At first even the cook's huge fat kitchen cat had been able to elude her, but Syrio had kept her at it day and night. When she'd run to him with her hands bleeding, he had said, â€Å"So slow? Be quicker, girl. Your enemies will give you more than scratches.† He had dabbed her wounds with Myrish fire, which burned so bad she had had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. Then he sent her out after more cats. The Red Keep was full of cats: lazy old cats dozing in the sun, cold-eyed mousers twitching their tails, quick little kittens with claws like needles, ladies' cats all combed and trusting, ragged shadows prowling the midden heaps. One by one Arya had chased them down and snatched them up and brought them proudly to Syrio Forel . . . all but this one, this one-eared black devil of a tomcat. â€Å"That's the real king of this castle right there,† one of the gold cloaks had told her. â€Å"Older than sin and twice as mean. One time, the king was feasting the queen's father, and that black bastard hopped up on the table and snatched a roast quail right out of Lord Tywin's fingers. Robert laughed so hard he like to burst. You stay away from that one, child.† He had run her halfway across the castle; twice around the Tower of the Hand, across the inner bailey, through the stables, down the serpentine steps, past the small kitchen and the pig yard and the barracks of the gold cloaks, along the base of the river wall and up more steps and back and forth over Traitor's Walk, and then down again and through a gate and around a well and in and out of strange buildings until Arya didn't know where she was. Now at last she had him. High walls pressed close on either side, and ahead was a blank windowless mass of stone. Quiet as a shadow, she repeated, sliding forward, light as a feather. When she was three steps away from him, the tomcat bolted. Left, then right, he went; and right, then left, went Arya, cutting off his escape. He hissed again and tried to dart between her legs. Quick as a snake, she thought. Her hands closed around him. She hugged him to her chest, whirling and laughing aloud as his claws raked at the front of her leather jerkin. Ever so fast, she kissed him right between the eyes, and jerked her head back an instant before his claws would have found her face. The tomcat yowled and spit. â€Å"What's he doing to that cat?† Startled, Arya dropped the cat and whirled toward the voice. The tom bounded off in the blink of an eye. At the end of the alley stood a girl with a mass of golden curls, dressed as pretty as a doll in blue satin. Beside her was a plump little blond boy with a prancing stag sewn in pearls across the front of his doublet and a miniature sword at his belt. Princess Myrcella and Prince Tommen, Arya thought. A septa as large as a draft horse hovered over them, and behind her two big men in crimson cloaks, Lannister house guards. â€Å"What were you doing to that cat, boy?† Myrcella asked again, sternly. To her brother she said, â€Å"He's a ragged boy, isn't he? Look at him.† She giggled. â€Å"A ragged dirty smelly boy,† Tommen agreed. They don't know me, Arya realized. They don't even know I'm a girl. Small wonder; she was barefoot and dirty, her hair tangled from the long run through the castle, clad in a jerkin ripped by cat claws and brown roughspun pants hacked off above her scabby knees. You don't wear skirts and silks when you're catching cats. Quickly she lowered her head and dropped to one knee. Maybe they wouldn't recognize her. If they did, she would never hear the end of it. Septa Mordane would be mortified, and Sansa would never speak to her again from the shame. The old fat septa moved forward. â€Å"Boy, how did you come here? You have no business in this part of the castle.† â€Å"You can't keep this sort out,† one of the red cloaks said. â€Å"Like trying to keep out rats.† â€Å"Who do you belong to, boy?† the septa demanded. â€Å"Answer me. What's wrong with you, are you mute?† Arya's voice caught in her throat. If she answered, Tommen and Myrcella would know her for certain. â€Å"Godwyn, bring him here,† the septa said. The taller of the guardsmen started down the alley. Panic gripped her throat like a giant's hand. Arya could not have spoken if her life had hung on it. Calm as still water, she mouthed silently. As Godwyn reached for her, Arya moved. Quick as a snake. She leaned to her left, letting his fingers brush her arm, spinning around him. Smooth as summer silk. By the time he got himself turned, she was sprinting down the alley. Swift as a deer. The septa was screeching at her. Arya slid between legs as thick and white as marble columns, bounded to her feet, bowled into Prince Tommen and hopped over him when he sat down hard and said â€Å"Oof,† spun away from the second guard, and then she was past them all, running full out. She heard shouts, then pounding footsteps, closing behind her. She dropped and rolled. The red cloak went careening past her, stumbling. Arya sprang back to her feet. She saw a window above her, high and narrow, scarcely more than an arrow slit. Arya leapt, caught the sill, pulled herself up. She held her breath as she wriggled through. Slippery as an eel. Dropping to the floor in front of a startled scrubwoman, she hopped up, brushed the rushes off her clothes, and was off again, out the door and along a long hall, down a stair, across a hidden courtyard, around a corner and over a wall and through a low narrow window into a pitch-dark cellar. The sounds grew more and more distant behind her. Arya was out of breath and quite thoroughly lost. She was in for it now if they had recognized her, but she didn't think they had. She'd moved too fast. Swift as a deer. She hunkered down in the dark against a damp stone wall and listened for the pursuit, but the only sound was the beating of her own heart and a distant drip of water. Quiet as a shadow, she told herself. She wondered where she was. When they had first come to King's Landing, she used to have bad dreams about getting lost in the castle. Father said the Red Keep was smaller than Winterfell, but in her dreams it had been immense, an endless stone maze with walls that seemed to shift and change behind her. She would find herself wandering down gloomy halls past faded tapestries, descending endless circular stairs, darting through courtyards or over bridges, her shouts echoing unanswered. In some of the rooms the red stone walls would seem to drip blood, and nowhere could she find a window. Sometimes she would hear her father's voice, but always from a long way off, and no matter how hard she ran after it, it would grow fainter and fainter, until it faded to nothing and Arya was alone in the dark. It was very dark right now, she realized. She hugged her bare knees tight against her chest and shivered. She would wait quietly and count to ten thousand. By then it would be safe for her to come creeping back out and find her way home. By the time she had reached eighty-seven, the room had begun to lighten as her eyes adjusted to the blackness. Slowly the shapes around her took on form. Huge empty eyes stared at her hungrily through the gloom, and dimly she saw the jagged shadows of long teeth. She had lost the count. She closed her eyes and bit her lip and sent the fear away. When she looked again, the monsters would be gone. Would never have been. She pretended that Syrio was beside her in the dark, whispering in her ear. Calm as still water, she told herself. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. She opened her eyes again. The monsters were still there, but the fear was gone. Arya got to her feet, moving warily. The heads were all around her. She touched one, curious, wondering if it was real. Her fingertips brushed a massive jaw. It felt real enough. The bone was smooth beneath her hand, cold and hard to the touch. She ran her fingers down a tooth, black and sharp, a dagger made of darkness. It made her shiver. â€Å"It's dead,† she said aloud. â€Å"It's just a skull, it can't hurt me.† Yet somehow the monster seemed to know she was there. She could feel its empty eyes watching her through the gloom, and there was something in that dim, cavernous room that did not love her. She edged away from the skull and backed into a second, larger than the first. For an instant she could feel its teeth digging into her shoulder, as if it wanted a bite of her flesh. Arya whirled, felt leather catch and tear as a huge fang nipped at her jerkin, and then she was running. Another skull loomed ahead, the biggest monster of all, but Arya did not even slow. She leapt over a ridge of black teeth as tall as swords, dashed through hungry jaws, and threw herself against the door. Her hands found a heavy iron ring set in the wood, and she yanked at it. The door resisted a moment, before it slowly began to swing inward, with a creak so loud Arya was certain it could be heard all through the city. She opened the door just far enough to slip through, into the hallway beyond. If the room with the monsters had been dark, the hall was the blackest pit in the seven hells. Calm as still water, Arya told herself, but even when she gave her eyes a moment to adjust, there was nothing to see but the vague grey outline of the door she had come through. She wiggled her fingers in front of her face, felt the air move, saw nothing. She was blind. A water dancer sees with all her senses, she reminded herself. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing one two three, drank in the quiet, reached out with her hands. Her fingers brushed against rough unfinished stone to her left. She followed the wall, her hand skimming along the surface, taking small gliding steps through the darkness. All halls lead somewhere. Where there is a way in, there is a way out. Fear cuts deeper than swords. Arya would not be afraid. It seemed as if she had been walking a long ways when the wall ended abruptly and a draft of cold air blew past her cheek. Loose hairs stirred faintly against her skin. From somewhere far below her, she heard noises. The scrape of boots, the distant sound of voices. A flickering light brushed the wall ever so faintly, and she saw that she stood at the top of a great black well, a shaft twenty feet across plunging deep into the earth. Huge stones had been set into the curving walls as steps, circling down and down, dark as the steps to hell that Old Nan used to tell them of. And something was coming up out of the darkness, out of the bowels of the earth . . . Arya peered over the edge and felt the cold black breath on her face. Far below, she saw the light of a single torch, small as the flame of a candle. Two men, she made out. Their shadows writhed against the sides of the well, tall as giants. She could hear their voices, echoing up the shaft. † . . . found one bastard,† one said. â€Å"The rest will come soon. A day, two days, a fortnight . . . â€Å" â€Å"And when he learns the truth, what will he do?† a second voice asked in the liquid accents of the Free Cities. â€Å"The gods alone know,† the first voice said. Arya could see a wisp of grey smoke drifting up off the torch, writhing like a snake as it rose. â€Å"The fools tried to kill his son, and what's worse, they made a mummer's farce of it. He's not a man to put that aside. I warn you, the wolf and lion will soon be at each other's throats, whether we will it or no.† â€Å"Too soon, too soon,† the voice with the accent complained. â€Å"What good is war now? We are not ready. Delay.† â€Å"As well bid me stop time. Do you take me for a wizard?† The other chuckled. â€Å"No less.† Flames licked at the cold air. The tall shadows were almost on top of her. An instant later the man holding the torch climbed into her sight, his companion beside him. Arya crept back away from the well, dropped to her stomach, and flattened herself against the wall. She held her breath as the men reached the top of the steps. â€Å"What would you have me do?† asked the torchbearer, a stout man in a leather half cape. Even in heavy boots, his feet seemed to glide soundlessly over the ground. A round scarred face and a stubble of dark beard showed under his steel cap, and he wore mail over boiled leather, and a dirk and shortsword at his belt. It seemed to Arya there was something oddly familiar about him. â€Å"If one Hand can die, why not a second?† replied the man with the accent and the forked yellow beard. â€Å"You have danced the dance before, my friend.† He was no one Arya had ever seen before, she was certain of it. Grossly fat, yet he seemed to walk lightly, carrying his weight on the balls of his feet as a water dancer might. His rings glimmered in the torchlight, red-gold and pale silver, crusted with rubies, sapphires, slitted yellow tiger eyes. Every finger wore a ring; some had two. â€Å"Before is not now, and this Hand is not the other,† the scarred man said as they stepped out into the hall. Still as stone, Arya told herself, quiet as a shadow. Blinded by the blaze of their own torch, they did not see her pressed flat against the stone, only a few feet away. â€Å"Perhaps so,† the forked beard replied, pausing to catch his breath after the long climb. â€Å"Nonetheless, we must have time. The princess is with child. The khal will not bestir himself until his son is born. You know how they are, these savages.† The man with the torch pushed at something. Arya heard a deep rumbling. A huge slab of rock, red in the torchlight, slid down out of the ceiling with a resounding crash that almost made her cry out. Where the entry to the well had been was nothing but stone, solid and unbroken. â€Å"If he does not bestir himself soon, it may be too late,† the stout man in the steel cap said. â€Å"This is no longer a game for two players, if ever it was. Stannis Baratheon and Lysa Arryn have fled beyond my reach, and the whispers say they are gathering swords around them. The Knight of Flowers writes Highgarden, urging his lord father to send his sister to court. The girl is a maid of fourteen, sweet and beautiful and tractable, and Lord Renly and Ser Loras intend that Robert should bed her, wed her, and make a new queen. Littlefinger . . . the gods only know what game Littlefinger is playing. Yet Lord Stark's the one who troubles my sleep. He has the bastard, he has the book, and soon enough he'll have the truth. And now his wife has abducted Tyrion Lannister, thanks to Littlefinger's meddling. Lord Tywin will take that for an outrage, and Jaime has a queer affection for the Imp. If the Lannisters move north, that will bring the Tullys in as well. Delay, you say. Make haste, I reply. Even the finest of jugglers cannot keep a hundred balls in the air forever.† â€Å"You are more than a juggler, old friend. You are a true sorcerer. All I ask is that you work your magic awhile longer.† They started down the hall in the direction Arya had come, past the room with the monsters. â€Å"What I can do, I will,† the one with the torch said softly. â€Å"I must have gold, and another fifty birds.† She let them get a long way ahead, then went creeping after them. Quiet as a shadow. â€Å"So many?† The voices were fainter as the light dwindled ahead of her. â€Å"The ones you need are hard to find . . . so young, to know their letters . . . perhaps older . . . not die so easy . . . † â€Å"No. The younger are safer . . . treat them gently . . . â€Å" † . . . .if they kept their tongues . . . â€Å" † . . . the risk . . . â€Å" Long after their voices had faded away, Arya could still see the light of the torch, a smoking star that bid her follow. Twice it seemed to disappear, but she kept on straight, and both times she found herself at the top of steep, narrow stairs, the torch glimmering far below her. She hurried after it, down and down. Once she stumbled over a rock and fell against the wall, and her hand found raw earth supported by timbers, whereas before the tunnel had been dressed stone. She must have crept after them for miles. Finally they were gone, but there was no place to go but forward. She found the wall again and followed, blind and lost, pretending that Nymeria was padding along beside her in the darkness. At the end she was knee-deep in foul-smelling water, wishing she could dance upon it as Syrio might have, and wondering if she'd ever see light again. It was full dark when finally Arya emerged into the night air. She found herself standing at the mouth of a sewer where it emptied into the river. She stank so badly that she stripped right there, dropping her soiled clothing on the riverbank as she dove into the deep black waters. She swam until she felt clean, and crawled out shivering. Some riders went past along the river road as Arya was washing her clothes, but if they saw the scrawny naked girl scrubbing her rags in the moonlight, they took no notice. She was miles from the castle, but from anywhere in King's Landing you needed only to look up to see the Red Keep high on Aegon's Hill, so there was no danger of losing her way. Her clothes were almost dry by the time she reached the gatehouse. The portcullis was down and the gates barred, so she turned aside to a postern door. The gold cloaks who had the watch sneered when she told them to let her in. â€Å"Off with you,† one said. â€Å"The kitchen scraps are gone, and we'll have no begging after dark.† â€Å"I'm not a beggar,† she said. â€Å"I live here.† â€Å"I said, off with you. Do you need a clout on the ear to help your hearing?† â€Å"I want to see my father.† The guards exchanged a glance. â€Å"I want to fuck the queen myself, for all the good it does me,† the younger one said. The older scowled. â€Å"Who's this father of yours, boy, the city ratcatcher?† â€Å"The Hand of the King,† Arya told him. Both men laughed, but then the older one swung his fist at her, casually, as a man would swat a dog. Arya saw the blow coming even before it began. She danced back out of the way, untouched. â€Å"I'm not a boy,† she spat at them. â€Å"I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell, and if you lay a hand on me my lord father will have both your heads on spikes. If you don't believe me, fetch Jory Cassel or Vayon Poole from the Tower of the Hand.† She put her hands on her hips. â€Å"Now are you going to open the gate, or do you need a clout on the ear to help your hearing?† Her father was alone in the solar when Harwin and Fat Tom marched her in, an oil lamp glowing softly at his elbow. He was bent over the biggest book Arya had ever seen, a great thick tome with cracked yellow pages of crabbed script, bound between faded leather covers, but he closed it to listen to Harwin's report. His face was stern as he sent the men away with thanks. â€Å"You realize I had half my guard out searching for you?† Eddard Stark said when they were alone. â€Å"Septa Mordane is beside herself with fear. She's in the sept praying for your safe return. Arya, you know you are never to go beyond the castle gates without my leave.† â€Å"I didn't go out the gates,† she blurted. â€Å"Well, I didn't mean to. I was down in the dungeons, only they turned into this tunnel. It was all dark, and I didn't have a torch or a candle to see by, so I had to follow. I couldn't go back the way I came on account of the monsters. Father, they were talking about killing you! Not the monsters, the two men. They didn't see me, I was being still as stone and quiet as a shadow, but I heard them. They said you had a book and a bastard and if one Hand could die, why not a second? Is that the book? Jon's the bastard, I bet.† â€Å"Jon? Arya, what are you talking about? Who said this?† â€Å"They did,† she told him. â€Å"There was a fat one with rings and a forked yellow beard, and another in mail and a steel cap, and the fat one said they had to delay but the other one told him he couldn't keep juggling and the wolf and the lion were going to eat each other and it was a mummer's farce.† She tried to remember the rest. She hadn't quite understood everything she'd heard, and now it was all mixed up in her head. â€Å"The fat one said the princess was with child. The one in the steel cap, he had the torch, he said that they had to hurry. I think he was a wizard.† â€Å"A wizard,† said Ned, unsmiling. â€Å"Did he have a long white beard and tall pointed hat speckled with stars?† â€Å"No! It wasn't like Old Nan's stories. He didn't look like a wizard, but the fat one said he was.† â€Å"I warn you, Arya, if you're spinning this thread of air—† â€Å"No, I told you, it was in the dungeons, by the place with the secret wall. I was chasing cats, and well . . . † She screwed up her face. If she admitted knocking over Prince Tommen, he would be really angry with her. † . . . well, I went in this window. That's where I found the monsters.† â€Å"Monsters and wizards,† her father said. â€Å"It would seem you've had quite an adventure. These men you heard, you say they spoke of juggling and mummery?† â€Å"Yes,† Arya admitted, â€Å"only—† â€Å"Arya, they were mummers,† her father told her. â€Å"There must be a dozen troupes in King's Landing right now, come to make some coin off the tourney crowds. I'm not certain what these two were doing in the castle, but perhaps the king has asked for a show.† â€Å"No.† She shook her head stubbornly. â€Å"They weren't—† â€Å"You shouldn't be following people about and spying on them in any case. Nor do I cherish the notion of my daughter climbing in strange windows after stray cats. Look at you, sweetling. Your arms are covered with scratches. This has gone on long enough. Tell Syrio Forel that I want a word with hirn—† He was interrupted by a short, sudden knock. â€Å"Lord Eddard, pardons,† Desmond called out, opening the door a crack, â€Å"but there's a black brother here begging audience. He says the matter is urgent. I thought you would want to know.† â€Å"My door is always open to the Night's Watch,† Father said. Desmond ushered the man inside. He was stooped and ugly, with an unkempt beard and unwashed clothes, yet Father greeted him pleasantly and asked his name. â€Å"Yoren, as it please m'lord. My pardons for the hour.† He bowed to Arya. â€Å"And this must be your son. He has your look.† â€Å"I'm a girl,† Arya said, exasperated. If the old man was down from the Wall, he must have come by way of Winterfell. â€Å"Do you know my brothers?† she asked excitedly. â€Å"Robb and Bran are at Winterfell, and Jon's on the Wall. Jon Snow, he's in the Night's Watch too, you must know him, he has a direwolf, a white one with red eyes. Is Jon a ranger yet? I'm Arya Stark.† The old man in his smelly black clothes was looking at her oddly, but Arya could not seem to stop talking. â€Å"When you ride back to the Wall, would you bring Jon a letter if I wrote one?† She wished Jon were here right now. He'd believe her about the dungeons and the fat man with the forked beard and the wizard in the steel cap. â€Å"My daughter often forgets her courtesies,† Eddard Stark said with a faint smile that softened his words. â€Å"I beg your forgiveness, Yoren. Did my brother Benjen send you?† â€Å"No one sent me, m'lord, saving old Mormont. I'm here to find men for the Wall, and when Robert next holds court, I'll bend the knee and cry our need, see if the king and his Hand have some scum in the dungeons they'd be well rid of. You might say as Benjen Stark is why we're talking, though. His blood ran black. Made him my brother as much as yours. It's for his sake I'm come. Rode hard, I did, near killed my horse the way I drove her, but I left the others well behind.† â€Å"The others?† Yoren spat. â€Å"Sellswords and freeriders and like trash. That inn was full o' them, and I saw them take the scent. The scent of blood or the scent of gold, they smell the same in the end. Not all o' them made for King's Landing, either. Some went galloping for Casterly Rock, and the Rock lies closer. Lord Tywin will have gotten the word by now, you can count on it.† Father frowned. â€Å"What word is this?† Yoren eyed Arya. â€Å"One best spoken in private, m'lord, begging your pardons.† â€Å"As you say. Desmond, see my daughter to her chambers.† He kissed her on the brow. â€Å"We'll finish our talk on the morrow.† Arya stood rooted to the spot. â€Å"Nothing bad's happened to Jon, has it?† she asked Yoren. â€Å"Or Uncle Benjen?† â€Å"Well, as to Stark, I can't say. The Snow boy was well enough when I left the Wall. It's not them as concerns me.† Desmond took her hand. â€Å"Come along, milady. You heard your lord father.† Arya had no choice but to go with him, wishing it had been Fat Tom. With Tom, she might have been able to linger at the door on some excuse and hear what Yoren was saying, but Desmond was too single-minded to trick. â€Å"How many guards does my father have?† she asked him as they descended to her bedchamber. â€Å"Here at King's Landing? Fifty.† â€Å"You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you?† she asked. Desmond laughed. â€Å"No fear on that count, little lady. Lord Eddard's guarded night and day. He'll come to no harm.† â€Å"The Lannisters have more than fifty men,† Arya pointed out. â€Å"So they do, but every northerner is worth ten of these southron swords, so you can sleep easy.† â€Å"What if a wizard was sent to kill him?† â€Å"Well, as to that,† Desmond replied, drawing his longsword, â€Å"wizards die the same as other men, once you cut their heads off.†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Management of Information System Essay

Supply chain management is the general, strategic interaction of the business functions within a particular firm and throughout businesses within the supply chain with the aim of improving the long-term performance of individual firm and the supply chain as a whole. The functions of logistics are key operating elements of a firm that need design and management agreeable with corporate strategy and changing competitive scenarios. The functions of purchasing focus on various processes such as contract writing, buying, demand planning, budgeting, supplier base and vendor management, and customer relationships. A firm may execute an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in order to automate its inventory management as well as sales and order process, including the related approval process. The ERP system is an extension of manufacturing resource planning and material requirements planning (MRP) systems, which link a firm’s demand side with its supply side by categorizing demand into requirements for components and parts. The ERP system provides a complete set of supply chain functionalities, including the planning and implementation of marketing activities, inventory and shop floor management and the potential of authorizing ordering and receiving to the end-user. It has also the capability of Internet integration and enterprise application integration through customized interfaces and XML. Customer relationship management analytics are capable of determining the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, projecting customer trends, identifying unprofitable clients, up-sell opportunities and clients who are likely to defect, measuring the effectiveness of incentive programs to meet overall sales goals, monitoring the performance of the sales staff, distributing resources in terms of customer needs and value, analyzing the cost-to-service ratio per client segment, and delivering the more suitable levels of customer service. Reference . Themistocleous, Marinos (2005). Enterprise Resource Planning and Enterprise Application Integration. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

British Restoration Era English Literature

London in the age of Goldsmith was entirely different from the London as we know today. Great social, political and economical changes were in the air when Goldsmith’s She Stoops to Conquer was enacted. These changes created a turning point of fortune of many families there by making some impoverished and many others prosper to become one among the middle class families of England. As a result, marriages and love affairs, instead of being the union of two people, the man and woman, both physically and mentally, it became union of money, land and titles.Hence the decreasing of wealth in the rural, old and titled families and an increase in the wealth in newly affluent commercial urban areas brought about various marriages of children from titled families, with those of untitled, cash-rich but land-poor commercial families. This balance is what Goldsmith tries to drive home in his famous play She Stoops to Conquer. Moreover, â€Å"the play also offers three types of marriage. O ne possibility: a loveless, parentally-enforced marriage, as that arranged by Mrs. Hardcastle between Tony and Constance.Another option: marriage for love, but against parental wishes, as seen in Hastings’s plans for eloping with Constance. Finally, the best solution, compromise between parent and child, as in Kate’s marriage with Marlow — a marriage based on affection but also sanctioned by paternal authority. † Schmidt, http://www. answers. com/topic/she-stoops-to-conquer-play-7) Passionate love existed definitely, but it was not directly linked to marriage. Love in those times is well explicated by Goldsmith through his varied characters as represented in the play.To start with, we have Mr. Hardcastle who loves everything that is â€Å"old†, including his wife. He is a loving husband who loves his wife most intensely in spite of the fact that there is a lot of difference in their natures. He is a very home loving person as we see his wife complai ning every now and then that they are not frequenting London to polish up their manners and acquire knowledge of the latest fashions. It is truly because of him that their life goes on uneventfully. He represents the gentle man of the society at that time.His good nature and generosity alone bring the two love stories to a happy end and the mistakes of the night are crowned with merry-making in the morning. Mrs. Hardcastle, greedy, self-centered, with no regard for the feeling, likes and dislikes of others, sees love and marriage only in terms of monetary wealth. She truly represents the attitude of love and money of those times in the so-called aristocratic families. To retain her orphan niece’s (Constance Neville) fortune in the form of jewellery in the family, she tries to get her married with her son, Tony Lumpkin, who is a person who cannot be spoiled more.She does not consider at all, that he is unworthy of his cousin and that he himself dislikes her and wants to marry another woman. Blinded by her greed and her infatuation for her son, she courts Constance on behalf of her son and tries her best to unite them in holy wedlock. The result is that she loses both, the jewellery and her niece. Her portrayal makes explicit the fact that women of her age in those days tended to be cruel mothers who never paid any respect to either the romantic or the ordinary feelings of their children if they did not have a monetary significance.Marlowe represents the well-to-do families of the day who thinks that in order to prove his worth he has to travel long and wide and thus understand more about manhood. He is the kind of man whom ladies in those ages are after. ‘Manhood’ is just in his thoughts not deeds as we see him shy and moody in the company of ladies of higher rank and status. In keeping with the age, for him too marriage is more related to social positions and monetary affairs than love.That is why he rejects Kate when he is still mistaking her for a simple barmaid instead of a lady: â€Å"But to be plain with you, the difference of our birth, fortune and education makes an honourable connection impossible; and I can never harbour a thought of seducing simplicity that trusted in my honour, or bringing ruin upon one whose only fault was being too lovely. † (p. 42). Whatever be his shortcomings, Kate falls in love with him as he satisfies all the demands that women of that age sought in a man. Hence his drawbacks are easily forgotten and even if there is any left, Kate resolves to cure him of that.His character develops in due course of the play and becomes worthy of Kate who has discerned his potential capacity to become a genuine love. No doubt, he represents the typical middle class man who gives equal regard to money, love and good manners. As a foil to him, we have Hastings, a well-dressed young man of considerable physical charms. He is presented as the most romantic and the most impractical man who has led an easy comfortable life like Marlow, but is not at all have a dual character like him. His love for Constance is true, deep and sincere.He loves her only for herself, and no mercenary conditions weigh with him. He presses her to elope with him leaving behind her fortune for his love is not tainted by monetary things. Their love affair can be said as the most straight forward one but we see that too as being conditioned by money. As Mrs. Hardcastle is the keeper of Neville’s jewels, to get back her wealth, Constance should marry the person whom she pleases, unless the person refuses. It is to keep the money in the family itself that she forces her son to marry Constance. But Constance and Hastings proclaim their love several times disregarding the money.During a conversation that both hold, Miss Neville states she would rather marry him once she owns all her jewels so that they can secure their future: â€Å"The instant they (jewels) are put into my possession you shall find me ready to make them and myself yours†. But Hastings exclaims: â€Å"Perish the baubles! Your person is all I desire† (p. 19). Even when the young lady assures that â€Å"in the moment of passion, fortune may be despised, but it ever produces a lasting repentance† Hastings insists on letting their feelings flow: â€Å"Perish fortune.Love and contempt will increase what we possess beyond a monarch’s revenue. Let me prevail† (p. 56). Kate Hardcastle is a lover who rises to the occasion whenever such a situation arises. She is presented as vivacious, young and very inventive. Instead of waiting meekly to make her lover change to a bold person, she takes things into her hands. If she remains inactive, she will lose Marlow. Hence she throws all her false modesty to the wind and decides to win a husband even at the cost of some maidenly modesty and delicacy.She chases and courts instead of being chased and courted. As her foil is presented Constance Nev ille, who is straight forward, sensible and determined. In her pretence of love to Tony to satisfy her aunt, her stooping is moral and not merely social as that of Kate. â€Å"She Stoops to Conquer is a beautifully constructed play where love conquers all, despite the combined efforts of a greedy woman, her inept son and an unfortunate case of ‘pedestalisation of women' in the young male lead! †( Henderson, http://www. uk/reviews/she_stoops. htm). Hence in the play we see people loving and marrying for several reasons; for love, for money or just to follow patterns of the existing society. Works Cited: Henderson, Catherine, http://www. cops. org. uk/reviews/she_stoops. htm. Schmidt, Arnold http://www. answers. com/topic/she-stoops-to-conquer-play-7. Jeffares, Harman A. , Goldsmith’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’, Macmillan Co. Ltd, Great Britain, 1966. Wood R. J. , ‘She Stoops to Conquer’, Coles Publishing Company, Canada, 1968.